Moonrise Kingdom gives us sense of a time that is long gone and filled with nostalgia.
Here is a toast to one of the most cherished character from the 100 years of Cinema.
Without a doubt, one of the most exhilarating viewing experiences I have had this year.
With solid performances from its cast, Warrior is one of the best sport films ever made.
The movie thus is an average adaptation. But then probably I am quibbling too much. It is an essential watch for all fans for the sake of completion.
Transformers is surely one of the best IMAX 3D experiences out there in recent times.
Tree of Life leaves asking questions that need to be persistently questioned till the end of time.
X Men First Class really could have been so much more. It is probably the fan inside me talking.
They were trying to make it like the indie flick it was the first time around. There are loads of stuff that need paraphrazing throughout this review. It is still one hell of a d*** ride
Adjustment Bureau misses the mark, but works on the concept of chance to an extent.