The film might not be a documentary, but the reality is that most viewers will come away believing that this is how the events actually occurred.
“Godzilla” is a powerful return for one of the most famous monsters on film.
The film is enjoyable if you don’t mind vulgar humor.
It is entertaining but it was not as good as some of the other Marvel Superhero films.
The film has a great start and a good premise but fails to capitalize on it.
“Rio 2” is worth bringing your kids to, but it is just for some cheap amusement.
Captain America: Winter Soldier is Marvel's Best movie yet.
The changes to the story made the film both more dramatic and uncomfortable in many areas which was the intent but it is not for those who are looking for the biblical story brought to the big screen.
If you want to see another teen book adaptation like Hunger games, or if you just want to be entertained by another post-war civilization story, then check out Divergent.
This film is just for some entertainment and for a nice adrenaline rush.