
Review: Transformers Dark of the Moon For fans and gamers

Transformers is surely one of the best IMAX 3D experiences out there in recent times.

The title should ring true because there are loads of fans out there including kids with their parents who are going notice some of things written about below. Michael Bay has created an infamous reputation for blowing things up on screen and somehow making them look good. But he took the exploding bit a little too far with his last effort on the Revenge of the Fallen. It was almost a scorching disaster for the franchise and people were all ready to disown him.

The only thing that came to his rescue for Transformers Dark of the Moon with a final end to this franchise was 3D. The use of 3D in this film is remarkable. It does pushes the boundaries, but this is no Avatar. There was a story in that one and it was not live action. The former argument holds in good speed for the new Transformers film. The live action 3D jumps from the Helicopter is one of the highlights not to be missed on an IMAX 3D screen near you.

Before I start this I would like to send a shout out to Michael Bay. The best action in this movie came out when there was no autobots. That was a little unexpected. It was when the people jump of the building in slowmotion and begin to slide on it. You surely must have had fun shooting that. All at the expense of the studio of course, but this was just a pleasant surprise. You really need to have more fun with people and leave these bots for a while.

This time around there was a lot more detailing done on the Autobots and the Decepticons. They worked on making this a little more darker affair. The darkness could also been seen in the rouble and colors used for the film. The uniqueness in this 3D film was the depth used to great effect.

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You guys might be wondering whether I am going to miss all the Bayness in this film. It was all over the place. It was as usual difficult to keep count of the number of explosions. But in all this there is a semblance of a story that keeps creeping at regular intervals before we look at our watches. If you are looking for a pay off this is not really meant for critics to judge.

There is a lot of time spent in the action scenes to get into the world of the Transformers. The destruction of Chicago felt like playing a game and coming back to it at various intervals. This would be of interest to all those cool loner gamers out there who spent hours playing games. The gaming industry will also take pointers and bring a whole new IMAX 3D experience to their upcoming platforms.

Michael Bay should also be tagged soon as the Recycler. He has been making the same film over and over again. This is actually done by some great directors of our time, but this is the anti of what Michael Bay does. He somehow concentrates on the kitsch like laser surgery. His greatest films would be his own. He just can’t get enough of himself.

The other thing that needs to point his pubescent view of sexuality. The geek in all of us will agree to some of the images of Rosie in this movie just to get us back on screen. But this distraction is short lived because of her limited acting skills. This is not a tall order because she was competing with Megan Fox.

No review of Transformers can go without talking a little bit of the star of the show Optimus Prime. He kind of basks in all the noise and pollution from all the explosions and sounds made by these robots. The Decepticons also have their formidable hero Megatron who relinquishes a moment where he blows up Abraham Lincoln to smitherins and sits on his chair. That was done to probably to channel the anger towards the Decepticons, but not sure how many people were buying that. I just found that unintentionally funny.

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The kids are going to love this. It is an absolute no brainer and with no story it is an added bonus. Things blowing up including people (an unwanted War of the Worlds reference). Skulls of Bots being dismembered to show some beauty of destruction. No one really is complaining. This one was certainly not for the critics to destroy, but for all those fans and gamers to raise their palms high up and make them into fists.

For a Gamer It was a dream: Rating: 10/10


John has a keen sense of what ticks in the world of film. He can also be seen in three distinct short film titled Woken Shell, The Tea Shop in the Moon and The Waiting. Cinema has been the basic diet he has been on for the last 10 years. His personality can be judged by the choices of his films.


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