Talking Films is looking for New Writers

Talking Films is looking to expand its crew of writers since we can’t do everything ourselves. We have been in hibernation and writing on and off in the past few years and we are trying to get back in the game. Keep reading if you are still interested.

So yes, we need some contributors. We are looking for those interested to write about English, Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu and other Foreign language films etc. So if you’re seriously interested — and only seriously — please email us. We don’t enjoy wasting our time and we’ve had many, many a flake-contributor stick around for two posts and then disappear entirely.

Or worse, people writing us interested in contributing and then never following-up or responding once we write them back (Seriously, what sense does this make?).

It actually takes time and effort to get people up to speed and we’d rather not waste that investment. We’re looking for a decent time commitment of posting at 1 article (reviews or opinionated pieces) per week. If you can’t find that time, please spare us both the hassle. i.e., if you’ve already written in saying you can only contribute once a month, you’re clearly not reading this post 🙂

The key things are looking for in order of importance:
1. Features writer – This is for those that can only write sporadically and certainly not within the hours of 9-5.

2. Reviews writer – Those who are interested in writing movie reviews for old and new films.

3. Anything you might be interested to contribute as a writer.

1. Passion for Cinema from any part of the world and the desire to talk about it.

Whatever area of expertise yours is, that is what you should be writing about preferably. You are ideally detail-oriented, meticulous, thorough, include links to all your sources. Quality writing, analysis and understanding of cinema and movie culture is key, but quickness and volume are certainly a bonus. If you can produce a lot, you will be favored.

You can use the Contact page to email us. Please make sure to send over few writing sample of a movie review (500 – 1000 words).