The world of Shrek will need some freshness. So the addition of Zach Galifianakis will be truly a welcome addition to the cast. But this will be part of a Spin Off that Shrek creators have in mind for the Puss in Boots spin off.
Zach will be joining Antonio Banderas as the title character along with Salma Hayek as Kitty. This will be a prequel to the Shrek 2. The screenwriting duties will be covered by Tom Wheeler and also with the help of Chris Miller.
Also with this spin off there is also the next installment of the Shrek series that will be slated for May 21 st 2010. Puss will also be part of that as well.
There is no chance for the Shrek series to end in the near future. Now with all these spin offs in the offering there is going to be loads of Shrek movies in the offering. I think the cast of these films will keep growing in the coming months. So we are here to keep you posted about the happenings.