Now after seeing the first teaser which feels like a rehash of a poor Dark Knight Trailer: it seems to be a little too dramatic for Facebook. So what will save this film will probably be the presence of Trent Reznor’s industrial sound blaring on the screen.
David Fincher is someone who will certainly work on all the production values of the film and it will be something to watch out for. There will also be some controversy close to the release to make this movie even more wanted. David is famous for his work with Brad Pitt in movies like Seven, Fight Club and recently Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
Here is what the musician had to say about the movie.
“I’ve always loved David’s work but quite honestly I wondered what would draw him to tell that story. When I actually read the script and realized what he was up to, I said goodbye to that free time I had planned.”
He also added the film is really f***ing good and quite dark.
Now the film will have a soundtrack release prior to the film release in October. But the musician has been working on a new project and also working on a new band which he formed with his wife. So in this busy schedule he has found time to work on the Social Network.