
Tony Scott directs Shia LaBeouf

Shia will be joining Tony Scott for a John Grisham drama.

Shia Labeouf will be part of the mindless carnage of Tony Scott’s next film titled The Associate. The talks have been good for the possible combination. Tony Scott will be directing The Associate that is adapted from the novel by John Grisham. The film will have a young star, which is certain.

This will be the third script written by William Monahan for the Scott family. The plot centers on Kyle McAvoy played by LaBeouf, the owner of a dark secret which falls into the wrong hands.

Here is a small plot outline.

Kyle McAvoy grew up in his father’s small-town law office in York, Pennsylvania. He excelled in college, was elected editor-in-chief of The Yale Law Journal, and his future has limitless potential.
But Kyle has a secret, a dark one, an episode from college that he has tried to forget. The secret, though, falls into the hands of the wrong people, and Kyle is forced to take a job he doesn’t want—even though it’s a job most law students can only dream about.

Three months after leaving Yale, Kyle becomes an associate at the largest law firm in the world, where, in addition to practicing law, he is expected to lie, steal, and take part in a scheme that could send him to prison, if not get him killed.

Scott will be working on his upcoming drama called Potsdamer Plotz before he gets on to this. The film stars Mickey Rourke, Javier Bardem, Christopher Walken and Johnny Hallyday. There is also a release pending in Unstoppable which will be out in theaters on November 12 th 2010.

Source: LA Times

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John has a keen sense of what ticks in the world of film. He can also be seen in three distinct short film titled Woken Shell, The Tea Shop in the Moon and The Waiting. Cinema has been the basic diet he has been on for the last 10 years. His personality can be judged by the choices of his films.


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