The clever use of shadow play in the images that we see in the trailer are really an eyeful.
Steve McQueen talks about his new movie Shame and is really happy with the finished product.
Shame seems to have been left out from the top prizes but it has given Michael Fassbender his due. What a year he has had.
A Dangerous is not garnering the right amount of praise to make it a must watch.
Haywire will really spell out danger for her co stars in film.
Akira is going to be made into live action film and no one should care.
Michael Fassbender and great cast will be joining the passion project of Brendon Gleeson.
Steven Soderbergh will be showcasing his next action film in January next year.
X Men First Class really could have been so much more. It is probably the fan inside me talking.
Closer to the release almost everything is out from the film in the form of footage.