
Noah Baumbach is planning to collaborate with Wes Anderson after his next.

Noah Baumbach wants to take it really slow for his next couple of projects.

Noah is in the midst of completing his work with Ben Stiller called Greenberg. The film will hit theaters this month. It will see Ben Stiller in a completely new light with a little more maturity. Ben Stiller plays a 40 year old man who aimlessly walks on the streets of New York and does not feel like working. He moves to Los Angeles in order to figure out his life from here on. He is housing sitting at his brother’s place.

He is reworking from a breakdown and starts to have a unlikely relationship with Greta Gerwig. Noah is really shaping for something great. He seems to be in a world akin to the French films. His last films were Squid and the Whale and the unlikeable Margot at the Wedding. Now he plans to work with Wes Anderson on his next film. So they are back together once again for something great.

There is also the coming age of tale called Prep which has been completed for some time, but still lingers with the director. It is a great book and is really fun to adapt. The film will be about the boarding school set novel. It tells the story of a South Ben, Indiana Ault school, an East Coast institution where money was everywhere on campus, but it was usually invisible. Class and teen social structures will obviously be a focus.

There is a lot of control in the hands of these men. They have all the time to adapt their great stories which in a way is a great thing. But I really can’t wait to see what Noah does to Ben Stiller.

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John has a keen sense of what ticks in the world of film. He can also be seen in three distinct short film titled Woken Shell, The Tea Shop in the Moon and The Waiting. Cinema has been the basic diet he has been on for the last 10 years. His personality can be judged by the choices of his films.


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