Watch Scarlett Johansson, Kate McKinnon, Jillian Bell, Ilana Glazer, and Zoë Kravitz in the all new #RoughNightMovie trailer.
Captain America: Winter Soldier is Marvel's Best movie yet.
Her will probably be Spike Jonze's best ever film.
The Avengers will be something to watch out next year.
Matt Damon looks into the Eye of the Tiger.
Scarlett will be kicking some booty with her solo Black Widow film in the pipeline.
Diablo Cody is working on producing a Zombie love story.
Avengers is going to be big in the Casting department.
Scarlette Johansson will need a whole lot of work on this one.
Scarlett Johansson going back to her indie roots this is surely a sign of change to come.