Leonardo DiCaprio will play Travis McGee

Leonardo DiCaprio to be a part of the first book of Travis McGee series The Deep Good-By

Leonardo DiCaprio has a collection of some great upcoming films in hand. The release of the Martin Scorsese film Shutter Island was shifted to next for some economic reason. He will also be seen in an adaptation of the first novel from the Travis McGee series called The Deep Blue Good-By.

The Travis McGee novels were written by John D. MacDonald and it consists of a collection of 21 novels. It tells the story of an investigative character Travis McGee. The Deep Blue Good-by is a starting point for this massive collection of character description. Each of the novels adds more history and unlikely insight into the main character. The books begin to evolve as the character is taken by age and maturity. The revolution and all that is happening in the world is well documented in the series.

The plot introduces readers to Travis place of residence the Busted Flush. In the beginning we are introduced to a fledgling bachelor McGee who has his way with women from all places. But later on we find out that he is not a detective but more of a salvage consultant. A job he takes up only when he gets bored of all the poker games he plays. He is also known to take up jobs only when his money runs out. But he wouldn’t like to be calling a mercenary.

Each of the books also has an antagonist that villainous in all degrees. So the dealings with his client get a little twisted with the presence of these villains. But they seem to get worse with each passing of a novel.

This is an amazing series for Leonardo DiCaprio to put his hands on. It will surely test his internal struggles that came so alive in Revolutionary Road. Here is hoping this one will bring the Oscar glory that he truly deserves.

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John has a keen sense of what ticks in the world of film. He can also be seen in three distinct short film titled Woken Shell, The Tea Shop in the Moon and The Waiting. Cinema has been the basic diet he has been on for the last 10 years. His personality can be judged by the choices of his films.

1 Comment

  1. Well, if he’s bought the rights, no doubt he wants to have a go at it. Since he’s starting at the beginning of the series he may be looking for a long-running spy franchise. Since most of the public won’t know who McGee is supposed to be, he shouldn’t run into much of an outcry. Moreover he would probably want to bring it into the present day which would change the character in any case. He has the necessary intelligence to involve the thoughtful element. A lot will depend on sophistication in the script. I do hope he gets the right help.


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