The brilliant cast of his next film will include Ryan Gosling, Paul Giamatti, Marisa Tomei and Evan Rachel Wood. The film will be a political one this time around. It will be an adaptation of the Broadway play Farragut North with George Clooney co producing this as well.
Clooney will direct and star in the film, which revolves around a young press spokesman who falls prey to backroom politics, the treacherous manipulations of veteran operatives and the seduction of a young intern.
Clooney plays a candidate running in the presidential primary race for the Democratic Party ticket, Gosling will play the press spokesman, Giamatti is cast as a rival campaign manager, Tomei appears as a New York Times reporter, and Wood plays the intern for the campaign. This will be a perfect project for George Clooney to sink his teeth into.
The filming is expected to start in February in Machigan and Ohio.