George Clooney and Owen Wilson in French remake

Wes Anderson has made loads of changes to the script of My Best Friends.


Wes Anderson will be going ahead with My Best Friend’s remake. A French film that was most loved in the country. The film will be named The Rosenthaler Suite and will be the adaptation of Patrice Leconte’s film.

The film is a tale about friendship, its implication and its costs and it stars Daniel Auteuil in the role that got a lot of praise. He plays a brusque, jackass, going broke antiques dealer. The selfish and self centered man’s life is changed when his business partner, sick of his egocentricity, at his birthday party bets him that he has no true best friend as evinced by the paucity of people in attendance and the lack of anyone who isn’t anything more than just an outside business associate.

The man enters a realization and feels that he has no more friends around him anymore. He tries to find a friend so that he can win a bet. He enlists a taxi driver who will do anything for him.

Now Daniel Auteil’s character asks the cab driver how to keep friends around. The version by Wes Anderson is faithful to the original but it is still a little different. Now the casting is going to be crucial for this film. So Daniel Auteil’s character surely has to be played by George Clooney and the cab driver by Owen Wilson. So this will be perfect for where Wes Anderson wants this story to go.

The change of the name is based on a collection of paintings by Moses Rosenthaler. The main character goes around buying these paintings. But I think Adrien Brody could also be a good fit for the character as well. The film will be produced by Ron Howard and his producing partner Brian Grazer. So this will be the first time Anderson will be with these guys. Lets just hope for the best.

See also  Featurette: George Clooney in The American


John has a keen sense of what ticks in the world of film. He can also be seen in three distinct short film titled Woken Shell, The Tea Shop in the Moon and The Waiting. Cinema has been the basic diet he has been on for the last 10 years. His personality can be judged by the choices of his films.


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