
Clint Eastwood works and keeps on working

Clint Eastwood will work on another biopic after a horror film.


At times when we look at the work of Clint Eastwood the only word which comes to mind is relentless. Clint Eastwood has shared his demons and lived with them on screen. But he still feels a need to share a story. Stories have a way of creeping through your bones. For instance Gran Tarino is not something that many people can take to in the first viewing but it warrants another to feel the warmth around its maker.

For years we have seen Clint Eastwood play the restrained trigger happy character. But this has been a little bit of a stretch if he still takes his guns. He is the Studio filmmaker of the yesteryear. He fits their bill to the tee. No one can really question his limited understanding yet poignant vision for cinema. He has been hard at work with Matt Damon on Hereafter. But he is already getting ready for his next film which will be a biopic of original FBI director J.Edgar Hoover. It will be written by Oscar winning screenwriter Dustin Lance Black. The addition of Clint Eastwood will assure a studio will pick it soon.

Matt Damon Invictus
The script for the biopic has been shifting to different hands ever since its inception. So it is now looking for a production house to take over it. His last film felt like a yawn called Invictus. But the factory format of making Oscar model films has its limitations. But you can’t really single him out after what was shown in Letters from Iwo Jima. Nothing can make us prepared for what to expect in a Clint Eastwood film. Though he will have several author backed clichés for his films. It will be heart warming to see them on the big screen. Clint has an eye of how it will be projected on the big screen.

But at Clint’s age it will be difficult to know whether he will be able to keep the wheels turning. The Hoover quotient will be a different turn for the director. Clint had loads of these investigative films in the 90s. Some of them were not really worth a mention but it might be an experimenting ground for him. In other words nothing can be certain in the approach of Clint Eastwood.

See also  Dustin Hoffman to direct as well


John has a keen sense of what ticks in the world of film. He can also be seen in three distinct short film titled Woken Shell, The Tea Shop in the Moon and The Waiting. Cinema has been the basic diet he has been on for the last 10 years. His personality can be judged by the choices of his films.


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