Indecision is the biggest cause of heartbreaks. Here is another film called Uncertainty that studies these mistakes we make because of time constraints. The film is directed by Scott McGehee and David Siegel whose film The Deep End was a master stroke starring Tilda Swinton. The film stars independent star Joseph Gordon Levitt, Lynn Collins and Olivia Thirlby. The film has not really come out with any great reviews with something. We had just announced its pick up couple of days ago.
It is uncertain film that deals with two love birds. They are about to embark on a life changing adventure. There are a lot of improvisations done in this film. Not everything is crystal clear from this trailer.
Uncertainity is both written and directed by the pair Scott McGehee and David Siegel. The film was screened in Toronto last year and took something to get pick up. It will available in both limited theatres and on VOd starting on November 13 th this fall.