
New Images of Ben Stiller in Greenberg

Greenberg seems to be a film fashioned for an off beat Ben Stiller character.


Ben Stiller seems to be surprising his viewers in the last couple of years with his choices of film. He is all set to dazzle the screen with Greenberg. The film also stars Rhy Ifans, Jennifer Jason Leigh and Greta Gerwig. The film is scored by my favorite band called LCD Soundsystem.





It deals with a mid life crises drama/comedy that has everyone talking in Ben Stiller’s characters family. The trailer features the song All My Friends. Many of the cast have talked a lot about Ben Stiller’s take in this film. Actress Greta Gerwig has spoken about his tactics in this film as an actor. “I think people are going to be shocked and deeply impressed by Ben’s performance. I think he is a brilliant actor, but this is so unlike anything you have ever seen from him that within 10 minutes of watching him, every image of Ben will be wiped from your memory.”

Mark Duplass also recounts some of the memories of working with Ben Stiller: “He was so nice and he was asking me all about my Searchlight movie Cyrus, and I was telling him about how I was having some concerns, like” Do my friends think that my brother and I are selling out by doing this big studio movie?” This is valid on some level. And he was just kind of takin it in and was very sensitive.

Then I saw Greta a few weeks later and she was like, “I was talking to Ben the other day and he was telling me about your concerns of being a sellout on your Searchlight movie,” and he was so mystified. And she did such a good impression of him, which I can’t do: “Yeah it was weird hearing that. In my world, if you do a Searchlight or a Focus movie, that is how you get your independent credit back!” Well, if the film is as good as we hope it will be Stiller’s credential will be earned back with us. Greenberg opens on March 26 th.

See also  Greta Gerwig joins Whit Stillman in Distress


John has a keen sense of what ticks in the world of film. He can also be seen in three distinct short film titled Woken Shell, The Tea Shop in the Moon and The Waiting. Cinema has been the basic diet he has been on for the last 10 years. His personality can be judged by the choices of his films.


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