Sucker Punch seems to be one of most talked about casting coups in recent times. But in the last couple of months it was the women who were making most of headlines. Now we have Oscar Isaac the newcomer joining the final cast. The film already stars Emily Browning, Carla Gugino, Vanessa Hudgens, Jamie Chung, Jena Malone,Jon Hamm, Scott Glenn and my personal favorite Abbie Cornish are also on board.
The story revolves around a little girl who is trying to hide from the pain caused by her evil stepfather and lobotomy. She is thrown into a mental institution where she slowly drifts away from reality. Now the twist comes with a task she is set out to do in order to escape this wretched place involves a crazy man. Courtesy of First Showing
The film is surely going to be interesting departure for the director Zach Snyder. His last couple of films seems to drift in and out of reality. But the 300 blemish seems to be difficult to wear out for the director. The film will surely have loads of guns blazing that will be interesting to watch. But for those of you who like to see with not much wit and with big guns will surely keep it in their diaries.