
Maggie Grace Joins Tom Cruise in Wichita

A new comedy horror flick in the making.

Maggie Grace the really stupid actress, who played a brief role in the television hit show Lost, will be seen opposite Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz next. The film is still untitled and will be directed by James Mangold.

I am not so sure where this movie is headed. But the cast is surely going to get the much needed shutterbugs on the red carpet when it is out. The project is centered on a lonely woman played by the naughty Cameron Diaz (why?) whose seemingly harmless blind date suddenly turns her life upside down when a super spy ( played by who else old man Cruise, Is this a Comedy?) takes her on a violent worldwide journey to protect a powerful battery that holds the key to god knows what.

Grace will be playing Diaz’s sister, who is getting married, excited that Diaz will take the place of their late father and walk her down the aisle. This sounds like a mish mash of MI, Charlie’s Angels and The Sweetest thing pure horror.

Maggie Grace seems to have hit a sweet patch after a string of flops with Taken. The film didn’t really test her talent which almost accounts to nothing. But the chance to work with veterans like Diaz and Cruise will surely build some esteem. Please leave your comments on this horrendous plot

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John has a keen sense of what ticks in the world of film. He can also be seen in three distinct short film titled Woken Shell, The Tea Shop in the Moon and The Waiting. Cinema has been the basic diet he has been on for the last 10 years. His personality can be judged by the choices of his films.


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